Italian elections are set for 4 March

Voting is to begin around 0700 local time and to run through until 2300, with the count and result not expected until Monday.

It's the one risk that markets are not really concerned with all too much at the moment. Currently, there is no clear winner or front-runner as the main contenders campaigning will likely not be able to form a majority government on their own.

The "favourite" right now is the Five Star Movement party - who had previously called for a referendum to discard the use of the EUR, but with the new electoral law they would almost certainly have to strike a deal with other political parties to govern - something which their supporters are not too keen about.

The other main contenders are former Italian PM Matteo Renzi's Democractic Party and Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party. While the other smaller parties based on recent polls are Liberi e Uguali, +Europa, Northern League/Lega (siding with Berlusconi), and Fratelli d'Italia.

It's going to be a scramble and things could get very messy as all parties will seek towards forming alliances post-election to secure a coalition government/majority.