Bloomberg, citing sources

The White House will try to pin the blame on Paul Ryan if the healthcare vote fails today, according to a Bloomberg report.

"Behind the scenes, the president's aides are planning to blame Ryan if there is an embarrassing defeat on a bill that has been a Republican goal for more than seven years, a senior administration official said," according to the report.

Ryan abandoned Trump during the election. The two have made-up, at least publically, but no one would be surprised if the relationship unwound.

A really interesting way to follow this story is through the lens of a research note Bridgewater had Wednesday on populist leaders.

They argued that the earliest signal on how a populist politician will develop is how they handle conflicts. Will they ramp up confrontation and rhetoric, or show flexibility. Or as Bredigewater puts it, "whether the opposing forces can coexist to make progress or whether they increasingly "go to war" to block and hurt each other and cause gridlock."