Greek fin min pulling no punches in an interview with Spanish newspaper EL Mundo

Reuters reporting

"What they are doing with Greece has a name: terrorism"

"Why have they forced us to close the banks? To frighten people. And when it's about spreading terror, that is known as terrorism"

  • a Yes vote for bailout terms would threaten democracy because fear would have won
  • if the country votes No then PM Tsipras will go to Brussels and reach an agreement
  • Greek banks will re-open by Tuesday regardless of Yes or No vote
  • I will resign if country votes Yes
  • a trillion euros will be lost if Greece is allowed to crash

He said an agreement would be reached even on a No vote because failing to agree would be too costly for both sides

" Because there's too much at stake, as much for Greece as for Europe. I'm sure. If Greece crashes, a trillion euros ( the equivalent of Spain's GDP) will be lost. It's too much mioney and I don't believe Europe could allow it."

The gloves are most certainly off now but the finger pointing continues

Varoufakis pulling no punches as Greece goes to the polling booths