The problem with the people in charge of the European Union

Here's trick to understanding politics:

Power has no aim. The goal of power is to get more power.

When you start to look at every organization through that lens it begins to make sense.

That's the only way to understand how the European power structure is preparing to treat a Brexit.

"The rest of the European Union nations are looking at the possibility of a British departure from the bloc with disbelief, trepidation and anguish. But they are also preparing to retaliate," the New York Times reports.

The response won't be to respect the democratic choice of Britons. It won't be to try to compromise and protect the economy they claim is so delicate in their pre-Brexit campaigning.

No, they plan a petulant effort to punish the will of a country expressed in the most democratic way possible. They're willing to stifle their own economies in the process in order to preserve what remains of their power.