There's no smoke, there's no fire

Jeff Sessions came prepared for his Senate testimony and that's no surprise. He's a lawyer and veteran law maker.

In terms of Comey, all the facts are out there now and Trump looks unprofessional and untruthful but we knew that months ago, if not years ago.

Slowly, the allegations of cooperation between Trump's team and Russia are losing steam. Yes, Russia interfered in the election, or tried to. They probably even helped Trump. But there's nothing to show it was a two-way street.

Three major figures are still outstanding in the investigation -- Flynn, Manafort and Kushner -- but there hasn't been anything new there. Moreover, there has been nothing close to touching Trump.

You never know when the next bomb will drop but at the moment, it's fading. Trump's reputation took another hit but he's survived.

What does it mean? It probably means that markets are going to start acting more like today and ignoring the Russia-Trump probes.