S&P revises Australian sovereign credit outlook to negative, from stable

Current rating AAA, affrimed

S&P watching 'gridlock' in politics, likely impact on the budget

  • "Believe that without remedial action fiscal stance may no longer be compatible with country's high level of external indebtedness"


  • Negative outlook reflects that without implementation of fiscal policy decisions, deficits may persist for several years
  • Expect that fiscal deficits will improve over medium term, are more pessimistic about government's revenue outlook
  • Expect Australia's external borrowers to maintain easy access to foreign funding
  • Consider Australia's banking system to be one of the strongest globally
  • Estimate headline GDP growth to be around 3% in fiscal year 2016, and unemployment rate has fallen from last year's cyclical high

Headlines via Reuters

AUD dropping away on the news


More (this via twitter, not the wires and I haven't seen it elsewhere):

  • S&P saying a 1 in 3 chance of a rating cut within 2 years

That 1 in 3 now in the Financial review too:

  • There is now a "one in three" chance the rating will be cut within two years if S&P senses the next parliament fails to either hike taxes or cut spending enough to curb ballooning budget deficits and debt.