Here's the last poll from this mob ahead of Sunday's vote

  • 1st round Le/Pen/Macron/Fillon/Melenchon 22/23/21/18 vs 22/23/20/19 prior

  • 2nd round Macron/Le Pen 64/36 vs 65/35 prior

  • Fillon/Le Pen 59/41 vs 57/43 prior

What's perhaps more relevant is that this poll was taken from 18-20th April so it may not show any changes following the event in Paris last night.

Here' you go folks, it's 2-4-1 poll morning as an IPSOS/Sopra poll has just popped up.

  • 1st round Macron/Le Pen/Fillon/Melenchon 24/22/19/19

The last IPSOS poll was a Le Monde one on the 14th and that had the 1st round numbers at 22/22/19/20.

Also, this poll was 19-20th April so again, may not include the shootings.