French press talking about capital controls as soon as today.

There is a report on twitter, from the EU corresponded for the magazine Liberation, that Greece is considering capital controls either today or on April 10.

If you're planning on introducing capital controls, which seems less likely now that bank deposit flight has begun to ebb, you want it to be a complete surprise.

I'm trying to track down the original report.

Update: The euro now appears to be rallying on the chatter but you'd think it would be the opposite.

Update 2: I've tracked down the original tweet, I believe, but it also cites rumours and doesn't claim to be the source.


Persistent rumors of capital controls in Greece either tonight or on April 10. The coffers are empty, and the bank run accelerates.

It's quite a day for rumors in Greece as the finance minister was forced to address rumors of his resignation earlier today.

"Every time the negotiations heat up, some new rumour of my resignation, demise etc. springs up. Somewhat amusing."

That's not really a denial.