German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaking at the Munich Security Conference

Made remarks suggesting the euro was too low for Germany:

  • "We have at the moment in the euro zone of course a problem with the value of the euro"
  • "The ECB has a monetary policy that is not geared to Germany, rather it is tailored (to countries) from Portugal to Slovenia or Slovakia. If we still had the (German) D-Mark it would surely have a different value than the euro does at the moment. But this is an independent monetary policy over which I have no influence as German chancellor."

Which sorta translates as don't blame Gemany, similar to Schauble last weekend

Reuters for more


Also, European Central Bank board member Sabine Lautenschlaeger on European inf;lation:

  • "I'm very pleased to say, quite honestly, that we're close to our target of just under 2 percent. But what's important for me is that it's not a temporary
  • So it's really important to ascertain that there is a trend, that the inflation has really returned. So let's wait a few months so that we can be sure."

Lautenschlaeger in an interview with German Deutschlandfunk radio (Reuters)