China December Industrial production, retail sales and fixed investment data results

Industrial Production 5.9% y/y - a MISS

  • expected 6.0%, prior 6.2%

Industrial Production (December) YTD 6.1% y/y

  • expected 6.1%, the previous was also 6.1%


Retail Sales (December) 11.1% y/y - A MISS

  • expected 11.3%, previous was 11.2%

Retail Sales YTD 10.7% y/y

  • expected 10.7%, previous was 10.6%


Fixed Asset Investment (Excl. Rural) (December) YTD 10.0% y/y - a MISS

  • expected 10.2%, prior also 10.2%


I posted the Q4 GDP data elsewhere

A lot of misses in this data, not by much but still. I posted prior to the GDP release that China will continue to let us down gently. They have been, and continue to, walk down our expectations for China's economy. Its a huge economy, it ain't gonna grow at a break neck pace any more.