China Beige Book International

In brief, the report says that wile the economy in China in the first quarter held steady, the momentum imparted by government spending, stimulus, low-cost funding may be difficult to sustain

  • Real estate and commodities increasingly wobbly & adding to high debt-levels
  • Policy focus has held back China's goal of shifting to consumption, services and high-tech industries
  • Best performers, biggest beneficiaries have been state industrial firms, not private companies
  • "China's doing everything in its power to keep growth up. But that's meant backtracking on rebalancing the economy"
  • "When they finally decide to do it, it's going to be even more painful"


China Beige Book adapts methodology used by the U.S. Federal Reserve's "Beige Book"

It's a privately produced quarterly report

Uses quantitative & qualitative data to track conditions within the Chinese economy


The Beige Book is only available to subscribers to their service, but the Wall Street Journal have apiece up on the report, if you can access that;

China's Economy Holds Steady in First Quarter, But Wobbly Signs Emerge, Survey Finds
China Beige Book says stimulus-fueled momentum may be tough to sustain