BOJ October 30 meeting minutes

  • Members agreed that overseas economies are likely to grow moderately
  • Members said China's economy likely to follow stable growth path
  • Members said Japan economy to continue moderate recovery
  • One member said difficult to expect Japan exports to increase due to structural factors
  • One member said there is anecdotal evidence companies are delaying investment
  • Members agreed that workers' incomes have been rising moderately
  • Members agreed that Japan's private consumption remains resilient
  • Most members said economy likely to grow at slower pace in FY2017 due to sales tax hike
  • Many members said price trend is improving due to gains in core-core CPI
  • A few members said delay in price target reflects slow improvement in output gap
  • A few members said cpi would not reach 2 pct price target during BOJ's forecast period
  • One member said the sense that economy no longer in deflation is widespread among public
  • Members said inflation expectations are rising from long-term perspective

Headlines via Reuters

Full text: Minutes of the Monetary Policy Meeting on October 30, 2015


I don't see anything much of note in the minutes ... maybe a bit more emphasis on the risks posed by the slowdown in overseas economies